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Corporate Franchise and Licensing

DATE: Mon-22-August-2022

Our Litigation attorneys have extensive and expertise experiences in negotiating, advising and representing clients before local courts, as well as participating in and working in all types of arbitration settlements. Our attorneys are fully specialized in analyzing and providing successful and protective solutions to cases such as criminal, civil, commercial, labor disputes and personal disputes.

  • Pre-Dispute Consultation and Advice after a full analysis of the case to clarify strengths and weaknesses
  • Represent clients in discussing pre-dispute resolution and ADR of all kinds
  • Many draft legal documents include, but are not limited to, complaints, petitions, statements, invitations, and notices
  • Advice and orientation regarding the draft on the testament (will)
  • Appeal and draft all relevant documents
  • Present oral / defense arguments in person or on behalf of the client at all
  • Draft and verify all types of contracts according to client requirements
  • Facilitation of applying for Khmer citizenship through naturalization.

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